Opposti - Siamo onde dello stesso mare


Opposites - We are waves of the same sea​

English translation of the text, played in Italian by the actress Amanda Sandrelli


Teo and Pietro, at the age of nine, invented the theory of the di-eqaul: we are equal and we are different, we are different but we are the equal, therefore we are di-equal. And it makes perfect sense.

For Anna, who studies particle physics, opposites are complementary, parts of a unity in a dynamic becoming. The individual parts of the Universe, and therefore us too, cannot be understood as isolated entities, but only as an integral part of the whole.

Hiko is Japanese and for her good and bad, life and death, black and white, do not belong to different categories, but are two sides of the same reality, yin and yang.

And Amanda recalled the verse from Seneca that we discovered, or rediscovered, in the months of the spring lockdown

We are wawes of the same sea                   


Opposites - We are waves of the same sea is the first brick of a large installation project of works that will be united by an immediate and "warm" emotional impact on the viewer and with implications ranging, in this case, from quantum physics to philosophy and poetry.

The duration of 2 minutes, the voice-over and a language that everyone could understand were the limits set by the commissioner, the Municipality of Rome for New Year's Eve 2020. I will not use the same formula for my project, except for accessibility, which is not a limit, but a goal, and an arduous one: to create works that are like windows overlooking the great themes of science, without ever debasing them, returning all their powerful beauty.